Where to buy
Check the list below for the places where you can buy Baianí Chocolate.
DENGO Ilhéus
Rua Luis Viana, 113 - Centro - Ilhéus - BA
Chelsea Market Baskets
75 9th Ave., New York, New York - United States
Chocolate Covered
4069 24th Street, San Francisco, California - United States
Each Peach Market
3068 Mt. Pleasant Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia - United States
État de Choc
6466 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Québec - Canada
GJ Andrews
384 Academy Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada
Grain Fine Food
45 Snowmass Mall, Snowmass Village, Colorado - United States
737 Silverdale Drive, Windosor, Ontario - Canada
La Vieille Europe
3855 St. Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Québec - Canada
McEwan TD Centre
79 The PATH, Toronto, Ontario - Canada
Mon Aimée Chocolat
2101 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania - United States
Much & Little
2543 Main Street, Vancouver, Brittish Columbia - Canada
Scheffler’s Delicatessen
93 Front St E., Toronto, Ontario - Canada
The Cookbook Co.
722 11 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta - Canada
The Meadow – New York
240 Mulberry St, New York, New York - United States
The Real Food Company
2140 Polk Street, San Francisco, California - United States
World Tree Chocolate
43 Dunedin Drive, Brussels, Ontario - Canada
Want to resell Baianí at your store?
If you have a commercial establishment where you would like to sell Baianí Chocolates, contact us to check the availability of shipping for your local.
Contact us